Term Conditions Page

Terms and Conditions of Bongobir.com

Welcome to Bongobir.com,Bongobir.comis a website where most of the products can come from both the local and international exclusive brands. Bongobir.comprovides both the buyers and the sellers incentives. This is a perfect place to sell and promote your stuff. Simple, fast and effective promotional plan and team of experts ensure the best use of promotional budget and improve sales. More label, better price, It is where Bongobir.comfocuses on more confidence and better experience.

Please read these words carefully before using the website Bongobir.com By using the Bongobir.comwebsite, you mean that you consent to be bound by certain terms. In addition, you will also be subject to the terms, rules and conditions applicable to the Bongobir.com Service when using any existing or potential Bongobir.com service ( e.g. Wish List or Marketplace) ("Bongobir.com Service"). (Conditions). If such Terms of Use are incompatible with other Terms, they shall be governed by the Terms.

Conditions Relating To Your Use Of Bongobir.com

1. Your Account 

When you use the website, you are responsible for keeping your identity and password private, and limiting access to your computer to avoid unauthorized access to your account. You have to take responsibility for any actions taking place under your account or password. You should take all necessary steps to ensure that the password is kept confidential and secure and should inform us immediately if you have reason to believe that someone else knows your password, or if the password is, or is likely to be, used in an unauthorized way. Please ensure that the details you provide to us are accurate and full and immediately notify us of any changes to the information you provide when you register. In the website's Your Account section, you can access and update most of the information you submitted to us. You understand and accept that you can only use your website account to buy items for your own personal use and not for commercial purposes. When you wish to order goods for business purposes , please build an Bongobir.com/Business  account.”Bongobir.com” reserves the right to deny access to the website at any time, terminate accounts, remove or edit material without notice to you.

2. Privacy

To understand our policies, please review our Privacy Notice, which also regulates your access to Bongobir.com .com Over the process of Bongobir.comuse, personal information / data given to us by you will be considered as strictly confidential and in compliance with the Privacy Notice and relevant legislation. If you object to a transfer or use of your knowledge, please do not use it.

3. E-Platform For Communication

 You accept, recognize and acknowledge that the website is an online marketplace allowing you to buy items listed on the website from any location at any time at the price indicated therein. You also agree and accept that Bongobir.com is simply a facilitator, and that all purchases on the website are not and can not be a party to or influence in any way. Accordingly, the selling of goods on the website is a purely bipartite deal between you and the Bongobir.com sellers.

4. Access To Bongobir.com

We must make every effort to ensure that website functionality remains uninterrupted and that transmissions are error-free. This can not be assured, though, because of the existence of the Internet. You can also sometimes suspend or limit your access to the website to allow repairs, maintenance, or the implementation of new facilities or services at any time without prior notice. We will try to limit the frequency and duration of any suspension or restriction of this nature.


You communicate with us electronically, when you visit Bongobir.comWhile placing an order with us, you will be asked to have a valid phone number. We can communicate with you through e-mail, SMS, telephone call or posting notices on the website or by any other mode of communication.

6. Health & Safety

When buying any product from our store, you agree that you have read our Health & Safety Guidelines and recognize them.

7.Claims Of Something Unacceptable

We list thousands of items for sale that are sold by various sellers on the Web and host several comments on listings, it is not possible for us to be aware of the contents of each product listed for sale, or any comments or reviews that appear. We work accordingly on a "bid, analysis, and takedown" basis. If you consider any content on the Web to be illegal, offensive (including, but not limited to, material that is sexually explicit or that promotes racism, bigotry, discrimination or physical harm), deceptive, misleading, violent, indecent, insulting, blasphemous, defamatory, libelous, obscene, pornographic, paedophilic or threatening; Or is harmful to third parties; or concerns or encourages money laundering or gambling; or is harmful to minors in any way; or impersonates another person; or threatens Bangladesh unity, independence, protection or sovereignty, or friendly relations with foreign states; or is objectionable or otherwise unlawful in any way; Or consisting of or containing software viruses ("content objectionable"), please inform us immediately by writing to us at support@Bongobir.com We will make every possible effort to investigate and remove legitimate contents complained of within a fair period of time.

Please ensure that your name, address, contact information and as many appropriate claim details, including name of objectionable content party, complaint instances, proof of complaint among others, are given. Please notice that if you have insufficient information your argument will become null and unusable for legal purposes.

8.Third Party Businesses

Parties other than Bongobir.com and its affiliates can use the Site to operate stores, provide services or sell product lines. Companies and individuals, for example, sell goods through Marketplace. We also have links to the associated companies' websites and to several other businesses. We do not have the duty to evaluate or assess, And we do not recommend or support any of these businesses or individuals' deals, or the content of their websites. We take no liability or responsibility for the actions; Items, and material of any and all third parties. Through carefully examining your transaction, you can tell when a third party is involved in your transactions, and we can share with that third party customer information about those transactions. You will carefully review their privacy policies and terms and conditions relating to them.

9. Trademarks And Copyrights

Bongobir.com Bongobir.com logo,B for Bongobir.com logo, Bongobir.com Bongobir.com Design, Bongobir.com Basics and other logos on our Site are trademarks or registered trademarks in the jurisdiction(s) concerned. Our trademarks include graphics, logos, page headers, button icons, scripts and service names Or trade clothing and must not be used in connection with any product or service not belonging to us or in any way likely to cause confusion among customers; Or in some way that disrespect or dismiss us. Any other trademarks used on this Site are the property of their respective owners, who may or may not be associated, linked with, or funded by us.

All intellectual property rights, whether registered or unregistered, including, but not limited to, text , graphics, software, images , video, music, sound and its collection and arrangement, and all compilations of material, on the Internet, information content and website design, The source code and the software underlying it shall remain our property. In Bangladeshi copyright laws and international conventions also protect the entire contents of the Web as a collective work. All rights remain reserved.

10.Governing Law And Jurisdiction

These terms and conditions are governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of The People's Republic of Bangladesh. You agree that the courts, tribunals and/or quasi-judicial bodies located in Dhaka, Bangladesh shall have the exclusive jurisdiction on any dispute arising inside Bangladesh under this Agreement.


We shall not be liable for any company or personal loss (including, but not limited to, loss of income, sales, contracts, anticipated savings, data, goodwill or wasted expenditure) or any other indirect or consequential loss not fairly foreseeable to both you and us when you commence using the Web.


You are responsible for paying all fees / costs / charges related to the purchase of goods from us and you agree to bear any and all relevant taxes including, but not limited to, VAT / CST, sales tax, GST, customs duties and cessations etc.

14. Our Software

Our software includes any software that we may make available to you from time to time for use in connection with the Site (the "Software"), including any updates or upgrades to the Software and any related documentation. You may use the program for the sole purpose of allowing you to use and enjoy our services as allowed by the Terms and Conditions and any relevant terms related to them, as available on the Web. You may not incorporate or compile any portion of the Software into your own programs in combination with your own programs. Pass the Software for use with another company, or sell , rent, lease, lend, lend, distribute or sub-license the Software or otherwise grant any or all rights to the Software. You are not allowed to use the Software for any illegal purpose; We may cease providing you with service, and at any time we may terminate your right to use the Program. If you fail to comply with any of the Terms and Conditions specified here or across the Internet, your rights to use the Program will automatically terminate without notice from us. In the event of a dispute with these Terms and Conditions, additional third-party terms found within the Website or published as such that are explicitly defined in relevant documents that apply and regulate the use of such Software. All software used in any of our services, including but not limited to any other applicable copyright laws, is our property and/or our affiliates or their software providers and protected by Bangladesh laws. 

You may also be using one or more third-party providers, such as a cellular carrier or a mobile network provider, while accessing the Internet. Those third-party providers can be subject to different policies, terms of use, and fees for your use.

You may not, and do not, enable, assist or allow any other person to copy, alter, reverse engineer, decompile or disassemble our software, or otherwise exploit it in whole or in part, or create any derivative works from or from the Software.

To keep the Program up to date, we will deliver automatic or manual updates to you at any time and without warning

Conditions Of Sale (Between Sellers And The Customer)

1. Conditions Related To Sale Of The Product Or Service

This section deals with conditions relating to the sale of products or services on the Site.

2.Our Contract

Your order is an opportunity for us to buy the product(s) for you. If you place an order to buy a product from us, you will receive an e-mail confirming receipt of your order and containing your order information (the "E-mail Order Confirmation").The e-mail order confirmation is acknowledgment that we have received your request, and does not indicate acceptance of your offer to buy the ordered product(s). We only consider your bid and conclude the sales contract for a product you have ordered when the product is shipped to you and you receive an e-mail stating that the product has been sent to you((the "Dispatch Confirmation E-mail"). When your order is dispatched in more than one package, you may receive a separate Dispatch Confirmation e-mail for each package, and each Dispatch Confirmation e-mail and the accompanyingdispatch will conclude a separate sales contract between you and us for the product(s) specified in that e-mail.

You can cancel your order for a product at no cost any time before we send the Dispatch Confirmation E-mail relating to that product.

Please note that we sell products only in quantities which correspond to the typical needs of an average household. This applies both to the number of products ordered within a single order and the placing of several orders for the same product where the individual orders comprise a quantity typical for a normal household.

3.Pricing, Availability And Order Processing

All prices are listed in Bangladeshi Taka (BDT) and include VAT, and are listed by the seller who sells the product or service on the Internet. Items in your Shopping Cart will always reflect the latest price displayed on the details page of the item. We list information on the availability of products sold by us on the website, including the information on each product page. We can't be more precise about availability, beyond what we say on that page or elsewhere on the website. Please note that the figures for dispatching are just that. They are not guaranteed delivery times and are not to be relied upon as such. If any items you order turn out to be unavailable, you will be contacted via e-mail while we process your order.

4.Beyond Events Our Control

Under these terms, we shall not be held responsible for any delay or failure to fulfill our commitments, if the delay or failure occurs from any cause outside our rational control. This condition has no bearing on your statutory rights.


We shall not be liable for any company or personal loss (including, but not limited to, loss of income, sales, contracts, anticipated savings, data, goodwill or wasted expenditure) or any other indirect or consequential loss not fairly foreseeable to both you and us when you commence using the Web.


You are responsible for paying all fees / costs / charges related to the purchase of goods from us and you agree to bear any and all relevant taxes including, but not limited to, VAT / CST, sales tax, GST, customs duties and cessations etc.


When you violate these provisions and we do not take further action, we will always have the right to use our rights and remedies in any other case in which you violate these conditions.

8.Governing Law And Jurisdiction

These terms and conditions are governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of The People's Republic of Bangladesh. You agree that the courts, tribunals and/or quasi-judicial bodies located in Dhaka, Bangladesh shall have the exclusive jurisdiction on any dispute arising inside Bangladesh under this Agreement.


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